Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hocus!!For all the Goofy People who've disregarded me in the past,there is just one small thing that ma attitude in me wants to say to u all,"Shame on u!!GO,Eat some Pig's shit and fart like a monkey!Do this,this would have been better than showing your shuttering stupidity u have shown towards me!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Copy-Mindedness & Singleness

Copy-Mindedness & Singleness
Right From the beginning of this very good old world there has been this major phenomenon that's always has been and is going to be always evident.If there is a world renowned idea or the way of life that is to be supposed to be so, it has to be so.

If there is this unshaken striving to the many good-gold things in the world,it's to be very much be appreciated. But, God bless the world.. it is n't so. People say, It's a great cultural exchange that is taking place and everyone will benefit from it. West is learning things from the east and the east is learning( or say "copying") from the west. People in the west are very much broad-minded and are ready to learn the good-gold things of the world and they come to countries like India and countries where people don't respect their own cultures.

Just take the example of a simple language usage at home. People in the west don't know any other language other than english, and they have no choice other than using english. In the East, yes we are entering the era of globalization and the world has become a small global village, but it isn't sinful to use your own mother-tongue atleast at your house. Why are people so narrow minded ?? They think using English at home is kind of a status symbol and a matter of pride while the usage of one's own mother-tongue is shameful even-though several millions of humans are ready to learn that particular mother-tongue.

OK,Hocus!I can understand you may argue saying that English is a global language and we are practicing it and we have to use it to communicate. I appreciate that thought a million a time, but why do you have to forfeit your own tried and tested ,supreme,problem-proof culture.

I'm a citizen of my country. I'm proud of being one. I can't fight for my country like those brilliant and valiant blessed souls who are ready to fight till their last drops of blood evaporate.But, i can relish,enjoy and be proud of my culture,my forefathers. By saying this, i'm not telling you to be rigid. There are so many good things in your own country that you have to be proud of and continue practicing it and there are so many good things that you can learn from the other countries.

Let's come to an another more significant issue of the many umpteen number of adolescents like me myself. Single or committed?? To be single in your 20's or 30's (sometimes 40's )is not advisable. But,to get committed or having a boyfriend/girlfriend at a very young teenage period of time is considered to be a healthy and is as essential as a baby is to have a diaper or for a student to have a undergraduate degree.

Is there any necessity to have a girlfriend or to be in a relationship?? Is it a prestige symbol?? Or is it going to be of great use to the society?? Why do people die to love someone or to atleast assume that they are in love with someone just to make sure that they are not the odd ones left out in the society??Hocus, I ardently ask you to show this much love towards your parents, it will pay you back many tenfolds of love back to you. Love is Holy. There is always time for it,One shouldn't misinterpret the several feelings like a fling,a crush, or liking or an attraction. Love is heavenly and God-like and will be there in one's life for sure. If there is something be said that love is not advisable in one's culture , you ought to follow it, because it has been tried and tested and there is no point in just copying other's cultures and applying it in your life. To be single and bachelor is fun, enjoy it and relish... You will live longer and who knows some people might start following you because people are more prone to following than being followed. I made up this sentence and i guess this can just underline the importance of originality and stuffs about you.

When People smirk or laugh at you for whatever u are doing which u love,Pls tell yourself this,"In this world, seldom people appreciate you and the best probable person to appreciate u and motivate is u yourself"...Sell Yourself Better, the world will one day turn around and start following u!!

The writer is very understanding and is ready to accept any abuses both verbal and physical. So, it would be very nice of you if you drop in your frank comments to his personal email-id: aniskumaruk@gmail.com. He’s is a vivid blogger and his blogs can be found in aniskumaruk.blogspot.com and is also in facebook as ANIS KUMAR(facebook.com/aniskumaruk).

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Religions are made boring by Men, but God is Fun!!

What is Religion? Who is God? What is the need of religions in our life when the sole purpose of being united is not met? Readers, I’d apologize if I have scared you guys out of your wits for saying the initial words of the usual preaching and sloppy sermons that grind our eyes into tears!!
I, a humble dignified (lol…) youth who is amidst the same creepy youngsters of this generation is always a person who tries to be funny (which I’m hopelessly not, please bear with me!) and tries to extract the fun out of every single moment of my life. I have done things like walking haplessly and fully drunk (well, I just drink pepsi, I usually fantasize myself drunk...) on the roads in the early hours of morning and so many stupid things that give so much fun. I have tried doing prank calls (I got caught, though...), I have tried watching TV Series back to back for 6 hours at a stretch.
In the pursuit of fun and happiness I have explored many things. But, there is one thing which I would really find which is incredible but satisfactorily true.

If you are a fan of Quentin Tarantino (Die-hard Fan, I mean them!!), I’m very sure that you would have seen his very famous movie “Pulp Fiction”. The Movie was outrageously Cool and my favorite too. Along with John Travolta, Samuel Jackson who casts as Jules Winnfield has also a brilliant role in it. His Ezekiel 17:25 verse as a perfect climax for a gunshot is a classic dialogue. He blasts all of us with a particular scene in which he miraculously escapes from a bullet and says “I see God”. If you can recall that scene, there is no way he could have escaped and he says “God intervenes”. At the End of the movie he uses the same verse and leaves the victim unharmed and says “ Basically I’m going to walk the earth”.

This Movie and this particular scene touched my heart and I was very much into this god thing for a long time. I have had my heartbreaks and worst situations. But all my friends could just give advice; No one comforted me even though they tried their best. I just lost all the fun and started becoming a jumbo -dumbo and a duller basically.

Then, I started feeling maybe if I can just try some stupid things. I can get some fun out of it and feel happy and better. I started doing all those creepy things. All I got was nothing but sheer nothingness and emptiness. From nowhere all of a sudden as the Christians say “The Holy Spirit” or something, I felt if I can make god as my friend or share things, ideas and talk to him, maybe I can find some solace.( Hocus, once again I’m telling u I’m not preaching, I’m human ..I can understand your feelings…just read the remaining without dozing off)

It worked!! I started having fun; I started talking to my parents in the nicest way and was feeling happy for every second. I didn’t attend any Bhajans or I didn’t go to attend any midnight mass or I didn’t pray namas 5 times. All I did was to believe in god, I tried to do some better things (I got happiness, but I flunked in subjects…lol). But in order to become close to god, I didn’t extinguish the fun part of me.

I was at the beginning expecting counseling from my friends, and now I’m gaining more friends by my counseling. The Fun now I’m having is billions times more than the fun I had earlier.

So, friends (I hope you guys are still awake…lol), the main point or conclusion I want to draw from this solitary discussion is maybe God is fun. Maybe we need to have fun and not confuse ourselves by telling God is serious. He is very forgiving. I’m not telling you to be a MUSLIM or CHRISTAIN OR HINDU (If you belong to any other religion please add a “or” with your religion name, lack of space hocus!! Editor is already pissed off with me…yikes!!). Be a human, Love God, Do whatever you feel. Have no regrets. You don’t have to be religious to be happy, think straight and no complications. HAVE FUN!! God is verily FUN!!
The writer is very understanding and is ready to accept any abuses both verbal and physical. So, it would be very nice of you if you drop in your frank comments to his personal email-id: aniskumaruk@gmail.com. He’s is a vivid blogger and is also in facebook as ANIS KUMAR.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Smiles Miles Away

I Feel so somber,silent,
It's so hard to look
and go away.

Smiles were a distant past,
Whence Stares were a constant part

Many People ask how i do,
Yes up in my head,it's always the same
-Pain ,strain spanned all over my heart

But i would always like to say this,
I admired,
I liked,
I adored.

Whether something came into my life
or something went away from me
I'm not yet sure,
but one thing is certain

Smiles were a distant past
Whence stares were a constant part

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Seaman has been in the worst of the storms...He's been yelling "Where'd you go" thinking of his holy crab and the Great big fish....He is having the last chance to make amends for his long non-forgotten acts of his partial past... People have been kept him under scrutiny for the right reasons...It's time he comes out of this holy mess and start working even harder for his boat to go in the desired direction...Speculations are that the seaman is trying to seduce certain unknown fish which is quite alot more weird than one can imagine being told such things...It's his 5th year away from his beloveds at the 3rd adventure trip to the long and never-ending journey towards the oldfoundland ....It's destined and it's what u call fate...Seaman has his fingers crossed and will have to work in the next 20 weeks to ensure that he's heading to the same place he intended to go...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Winds are blowing big time right through ripping apart the heart of the seaman that is very much little and fragile....It's sometimes quite a lot like stuck up in the middle of nowhere just to find that you are frozen both inside and outside but gotta still move on with a frost-bitten leg and a bleeding arm.....The seaman is of course heavily dependent on the Holy Crab and the Fat Fish...but independent thought process and soul searching is his prime hobby which has started to seem like going nowhere.....but in the ugly stupidish and stingy gutters!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Seaman has been amazed to find the venetian fishes acting in the weirdest and the wildest ways but the Martian Fishes are so attached to the seaman...He has finally decided to focus on fishing rather on the catching any venetian fish...The Virgins have started to become nice companions of the seaman...The Scorpion is in his most stupidest mindset of all times... The Fat Fish and the Holy Crab has laid great hopes on their biggest investment so far....The Seaman has found great scripts to read from and the literary interest has gone from mere centimeters to a million light years into literature... his Focus also has to shift to community service and shore cleaning..Things will hopefully change in the near future for the Seaman.......

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Year 165....It's been a good year for the seaman...went sailing and meeting different kinds of people and having some of the best moments of his life...surely the year will remain etched to his heart...The Crabs and the Big Fish were very much pleased with the way the seaman spent his time with them....a fresh year ahead for him...he expects the tides to go by his way the next year too...he wants to do a better job at workplace...has to overcome his earthly feelings,attachments...luckily for his heart his fishy attitude has finally started eluding away...he has seen the small fish is doing well with him...too many disturbances ...too many problems both mentally and physically..whats his next move??? Is he going to dump the biggest catch of the year into the wild seas or just think about the nice times that he had......